Dec 29, 2020

20 Tips to Stop Your Mind from Overthinking


20 Tips to Stop Your Mind from Overthinking

1. Ask yourself: "Is this a productive idea?"


2. Put things in perspective.


3. Know your body cadence and plan your activities accordingly


4. Zero in on your five detects (what you can see, hear, smell, touch and feel).


5. Relinquish the should be great or omnipotent.


6. Acknowledge that you can't change the past.


7. Acknowledge that you can't predict or control what's to come.


8. Get some exercise.


9. Acknowledge that you don't need to figure everything out.


10. Rehash expressions to quiet or center ("relax", "peace, be still", "I am safe").


11. Just do each thing in turn.


12. Recognize the issue, yet center more around the possible solutions.


13. Think about the thing you are depriving yourself of by fantasizing and overthinking.


14. Think about how you might feel if you quit overthinking.


15. Ask yourself, "What am I controlling? What is most certainly not?"


16. Spread the worrying time. Require 15 minutes to stress, at that point proceed onward.


17. Practice Mindfulness: Be Here Now, Without Judgment


18. Practice profound abdominal breathing.


19. Take an improvisation class to practice creativity and spontaneity in a supportive environment.


20. Help another person.

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