Dec 26, 2020

Look Like a Beauty Without the Sleep – How to fake a Good Night’s Rest

Look Like a Beauty Without the Sleep – How to fake a Good Night’s Rest


As we jump again and adjust our internal clocks for daylight saving time, we need to be prepared for those mornings when sleep doesn't come naturally, a condition known as 'hangover'. Summer time". The good news is, there is a way to look refreshed and awake, even if you have a vacuum on your sleep schedule.


Tip 1: turn off it, that is, the electronics. Before going to bed, turn off all electronic devices i.e. television, computer and, yes, your blackberry. These are all brain stimulants, and if you answer emails in bed at 10 p.m., you'll have a hard time falling asleep. Press the power switch at least an hour before going to bed.


Tip 2: get up... NOW! Once the alarm goes off, get out of bed immediately. Sleeping is not sleeping; it only prolongs the inevitable.

Look Like a Beauty Without the Sleep – How to fake a Good Night’s Rest


Tip 3: Now that you're awake, do something. Try a morning workout to be motivated and energized throughout the day. Take a quick run or take an early morning spin class. Make sure to challenge yourself first and then see how much easier your morning commute is.


Tip 4: Hydrate yourself. Great skin is not just about what you put on it, but also what it puts on your body. Skip the morning cup of coffee, which can be dehydrating, and drink a glass of ice water instead. Cold water will not only give you a kick in the morning, it will also help hydrate your skin, leaving it looking and feeling fresh.


drink a glass of ice water

Tip 5: Wake up and pretend! Wear hydrating, uplifting makeup like Almay Wake-Up Makeup, a celebrity Kate Hudson favorite. This product contains essential minerals and ingredients, such as cucumber and aloe, which soften and hydrate the skin. It also features the first of its kind encapsulated water technology - once the powder hits your skin, it releases a feeling of freshness that gives you an extra boost in the morning.


Tip 6: DON'T skip breakfast. You've exercised, you've hydrated and you’re beautiful. Why deny your body the nutrients it needs to stay fit and feel refreshed when you go out without taking a quick bite?

DON'T skip breakfast

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